Product Description
This coloring book for youth ages 3 and up contains 20 illustrations by nine 4-H youth artists, covering 4-H experiences and subject areas like camp, fair, animals, fashion and computer science.
This Cloverbud coloring book is the result of a Cloverbud product development challenge within the 4-H Mall Trend Spotters entrepreneurial program. Its creation was led by three Trend Spotters and it features nine 4-H youth artists!
The 4-H Mall Trend Spotters entrepreneurial program is comprised of innovative 4-H'ers from across the nation. Trend Spotters are 4-H youths with a keen eye for trending swag and a passion for entrepreneurship. They engage closely with the 4-H Mall team throughout the year in the product development process, and they act as the 4-H Mall's field research team.